Romania – active in European Debates II
The aim of the project
Enhancing the internal debate and stimulating the political environment to capitalize the opportunity of being part of the European political field through well fundamented and coherent positions of Romania on the European option map.
O1. Improving the internal public debate among the main topics on the European Agenda
O2. Formulating proposals of Romania’s positions that can be taken by policy makers and exposed to the European Commission, European Parliament and EU Council.
Target Groups
– Romanian Government
– European Affairs Departments within the ministries
– Specialized Parliamentary Commission from the National Parliament
– Romanian MEP’s
– Journalists
– Embassies
– Interested NGO’s
– European Think-tanks
– Universities and students
A1. Project Launch
A2. Improving and strengthening the recipients data base reports
A3. Making Sectorial Reports
A4. Relevant Policy-briefs for the European Agenda
A5. Reports release ( dissemination and promotion)
A 5.1.Printing and disseminating reports through traditional mail
A 5.2. Press relations
A 5.3. Online Dissemination
A 5.4. Dissemination using new media
A6. Electronic Newsletter
A7. Mass-Media monitoring and impac assesment
– 4 sectorial reports
– 6 policy briefs
Donor: Soros Foundation
Building the capacity of the Romanian Parliament to be an active European actor II
Period of implementation: June 2011 – December 2011
This project is the continuation of the project “Strengthening the Romanian Parliament to be an active European Actor” (implemented between June-December 2011), which aims to make the parameter active and prominent Romanian actor in European debates and making decisions. The project had two components: a study on the role of the Romanian Parliament in European debates and organizing a conference to discuss the main points contained in the report.
One of the most important findings of the study was that the main impediment of Parliament in strengthening its capacity to be an active player in the European debate is the absence of a legal framework for European affairs coordination between Parliament and Government.
As such, by continuing this project, CRPE aims to cover this gap, mediating talks between Parliament and the Executive and offering viable solutions making normative act.
a) Monitoring and support in the development and approval of the bill;
b) Provide solutions and recommendations in the development and approval of the bill;
Target Group
Beneficiary: Romanian Parliamentarians and expert team of Parliament
Target groups: Romanian government, media and stakeholders in the field;
- Organization of six working groups;
- Developing the framework of six documents;
- Depth interviews with decision makers;
- Interviews and meetings with parliamentarians;
- Assessment activities of political support for the bill;
- Final report with recommendations;
Donor: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
The aftermath of the strategic partnership Romania – Republic of Moldova
This project continues the project ” The Partnership Romania-Moldova for European integration. The Contribution of the civil society” which was implemented by the CRPE and APE and has been financed by Soros Foundation Romania and Soros Moldova. The current project aims at continuing the project of monitoring the committment of Romania regarding the support of the economic and institutional reforms in Moldova through 1) the identification of main collaboration fields 2) monitoring their implementation stage and 3) their evaluation.
Specific Objectives:
1. To identify Romania’s commitments (or the ones which follow to be taken during the ongoing project) in supporting the economic and institutional reforms in Moldova as a step towards EU integration
2. To systematically monitor the stage of implementation of these commitments of Romania in supporting the reforms
3. To identify other collaboration sources and policy areas where Romania could support Moldova
4. Making an audit of Moldova’s success towards European integration
Target Groups:
- Governments and Parliaments from Romania and Moldova
- • Decision makers directly involved in the bilateral relationship
- • Press in Moldova and Romania
- • European Institutions
- • Press specializing in European issues at EU level
- • Think-tanks in Romania, Moldova and the EU Member States
A1. Launching conference of the project “Partnership for Integration balance – Ideas and Developments in the new political context”
A2. Road Reporting
A3. Creating a comprehensive evaluation report that will achieve the degree of implementation of commitments Romania to Moldova.
A4. Dissemination, promotion, lobbying
A5. Media monitoring and impact assessment
– Minimum 3 mileage reports, analyzing the fulfillment of commitments Romania to Moldova;
– 1 report comprehensive evaluation;
– 1 opening conference of the project;
– More than 20 articles in print media
– At least 10 appearances in audiovisual media
– More than 40 articles in online media
Donor: Soros Foundation Romania and Soros Foundation Moldova
Data protection in the Republic of Moldova
Period of implementation: May 2011 – July 2011
The overall objective was to assess the protection of personal data in the context of the dialogue on visa liberalization and negotiating future Association Agreement and Free Trade Area between Moldova and the European Union.
Target Group:
- -Government of Moldova;
- – Governmental structures in charge of protecting personal data;
- – Public and private institutions who process personal data;
- – Human Rights Commission of the Parliament of Moldova;
- – NGOs / think tanks active in human rights;
- – Foreign NGOs active in the field of privacy;
- – Specialized academic environment;
- – Independent specialists;
- – MEPs;
- – European Officials of the specialized services of the European institutions;
- – European Data Protection Working Group and other authorities Article 29 protection of personal data in the world;
- – Mass media
- – EU Member States Embassies in Moldova
Donor: Soros Foundation-Moldova, Good Governance Programme