Assessments of the CSOs sector reveal that most of them are in dire need of a better understanding of how to use M&E procedures and provide better proof of the effectiveness and impact of their activities and projects. This gap can be tackled by improving monitoring practices and developing appropriate and easy-to-use frameworks. By doing so, CSOs can better promote activities and projects for potential donors, to the general public and even to their beneficiaries.
M&E and how to improve the use of data to track progress and increase impact
CRPE organized on May, 29, 2023 one capacity-building online training session on M&E procedures and how to improve the use of data to track progress and increase the transparency and effectiveness of CSOs work. The training session was designed for CSOs working mainly in the greater Black Sea Region. We aimed to help the participants to define a potential Theory of Change for their projects, better assess the impact of the projects and improve their capacity to collect and analyze sets of data that can maximize the impact of their interventions.
More about our work and the need to support CSOs and strengthen their capacity to survive these difficult times can be found here – Striving to thrive in turbulent times. Assessing the sustainability of CSOs and the growing impact of external threats
This project is part of the Situation Room 2.0: Providing support in assessing the capacity of BST grantees to aid and expand their work at the national and regional level, implemented by the Romanian Center for European Policies ( with the support of the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the donors. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.