Building public support for anti-corruption efforts of the National Integrity Commission
Period of implementation: 15 October 1013 – 15 August 2014
CRPE – R. Moldova in partnership with Center for Analysis and Prevention of Corruption and Expert Forum is implementing the project “Building public support for anti-corruption efforts of the National Integrity Commission” which aims to strengthen the communication of National Integrity Commission with civil society and mass-media from Republic of Moldova in order to ensure awareness, objectivity, transparency, integrity in the context of prevention and cofight against corruption in Moldova.
The objectives of the project are:
Objective 1. Analysis of the relationship between anti-corruption institutions, mass-media, civil society and officials from Moldova, as well as assessing how these institutions are perceived by civil society organizations, mass media institutions and officials.
Objective 2. Facilitating an exchange of experience and transfer of know-how from Romanian journalists dealing with anti-corruption institutions to Moldovan journalists;
Objective 3. Providing expertise to National Integrity Commission, so that it will be able to have an enhanced communication and coordination with all institutions concerned, including civil society organizations and mass-media that may have a role in implementing certain anti-corruption policy measures and in monitoring the anti-corruption efforts of National Integrity Commission.
Objective 4. Empowering civil society, mass-media institutions and officials and monitor the anti-corruption efforts if the Commission.
Objective 5 Creating a framework for a coherent discussion and debate which will focus the attention of NGOs, media, stakeholders and decision makers on the activities of the National Integrity Commission.
This project is implemented by CRPE – R. Moldova.
Donor: Embassy of Finland, Bucharest
EU – Republic of Moldova Think Tank Dialogue
Period of implementation: September 2013 – July 2014
The general objective of the “EU – Moldova Think Tank Dialogue” project is the consolidation of democracy and economic development of the Republic of Moldova by accelerating its European integration process.
Specific objectives of the EU – Moldova Think Tank Dialogue project consist of supporting the independent expertise for the authorities in Chisinau and promote Moldova’s European integration in Brussels and among the Member States, stimulating public interest for Moldova’s European integration, supporting and promoting a platform of debates in order to facilitate the dialogue between the civil society in Europe and Moldova on key issues for Moldova’s European negotiations, the recognition of Romania as the main supporter of Moldova in its European integration process.
The “EU – Moldova Think Tank Dialogue” project brings together providers of expertise – European think-tanks interested in Eastern Partnership countries.
The project consortium (Romanian Center for European Policies in Bucharest, the Romanian Center for European Policies in Moldova, European Policy Center in Brussels and the Foreign Policy Association in Chisinau) will assess the political signals from Brussels linked to the national approach of the negotiations with the EU providing a series of policy briefs throughout the project. The consortium’s experts will also analyze the debates in Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius in the fall of 2013.
Studies and reports will be published, discussed and disseminated through the EU Think Tank Dialogue platform which will become the main “meeting place” of stakeholders interested in Moldova’s European integration in Europe.
Donors: The project is financed by the Development Assistance Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – the Bratislava Regional Center.
The Romania – Ukraine Civic Forum Project, second edition, Kiev 2014
Period pf implementation: September 2013 – January 2014
The Romanian Center for European Policies (Romania) together with the Institute of World Policy (Ukraine) organizes the second edition of the Romania-Ukraine Civic Forum in Kiev supporting the efforts of resetting and recalibrating the Romanian-Ukrainian relations, outlining the opportunities on bilateral and multilateral cooperation projects.
The overall project aims to boost bilateral relations between the two countries, expanding the base of dialogue between Romania and Ukraine, placing non –conflict, neutral issues on the public discussions agenda, in the bilateral relationship, grounded on trust and based on projects such as the European option and Ukraine’s accession to the EU, promoting the idea of good neighborliness and regional cooperation.
Specific objectives include: identifying resource for collaboration and policies areas to annihilate inaccurate stereotypes and inoperative approaches in the bilateral relationship, defining the current status of the Romanian-Ukrainian relations, the implications in European and international context; contribution to support Ukraine’s European integration process.
Romanian-Ukrainian civic forum is part of the transfer of expertise process in the field of democratization and development policies of Romania to the EU’s Eastern neighborhood.
Donors: The project is financed by the Development Assistance Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – the Bratislava Regional Center.
Good governance as an essential tool for economic development
Period of implementation: September 2013 – August 2014
Current state of development of Moldova in the process of accession to EU is characterised by importance of economic development (strategy Moldova 2020) and the need to fight with corruption. In both areas considerable progress can be made by implementation and development of good governance (GG).
University of Tartu Euro College is leading a consortium of partners in the implementation of the project which aims to promote the ideas of GG in Moldova by organising a spring school for students and young civil servants as well as a study trip of partners to Estonia and by providing an opportunity for 5 students to study at Euro College of Tartu University. The topics of the training programme are based on 8 elements of GG and the goal is to demonstrate how the implementation of these promotes sustainability of the society from the implementation of law up to promotion of social equity and entrepreneurship.
This project is implemented by CRPE – R. Moldova.
Donor: Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Development Cooperation Program
Integration Prospects in the Labor Market of the Republic of Moldova of Recipients of Scholarships Awarded by the Romanian Government
Period of implementation: July 2013 – December 2013
The Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE) in collaboration with the Moldovan Branch of Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE – R. Moldova) in Moldova are implementing the Integration Prospects in the Labor Market in the Republic of Moldova of the Recipients of Scholarships Awarded by the Romanian Government project, which aims at elaborating a research on the integration of young people studying in Romania on the labor market in the Republic of Moldova.
The objectives of the project are:
1. Collection and centralization of data on ethnic Romanian students with the home country of the Republic of Moldova from all of the 48 universities in Romania;
2. Identifying future options of Romanian ethnics who received a scholarship granted by the Romanian Government: the establishment in Romania versus the return to Moldova;
3. Identifying recommendations to ministries in order to improve the Romanian Government’s policy of granting scholarships for young people from the Republic of Moldova;
Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Policy Department for Relations with Romanians Abroad
Pension Reform – From experts to the general public
Period of implementation: July 2013 – October 2014
The Resource Center for Public Participation (CE-RE) and the Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE) aim to put the subject on the public agenda by providing empirical evidence and policy options regarding pension reform and by facilitating deliberations with all stakeholders. Its main objective is the involvement of the main social actors (experts, government representatives, politicians, business environment, citizens and civil society organizations) in a deliberative process for developing a policy proposal on reforming the Romanian pension system.
The project will provide a number of essential information regarding pension reform to the Government – referring to the current status-quo, as well as forecasts; the main policy choices with their advantages and disadvantages; the views of all stakeholders on reform. Relevant ministries will be involved in all stages of the project, moreover the Ministry of Labour already expressed its willingness to participate.
Donor: The project is co-financed by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.
More information about the project here.
PROFILING – PROtecting citizens’ rights and Fighting ILlicit profilING. The right of data protection in the context of profiling
Period of implementation: November 2012 – November 2014
One of the biggest challenges posed by the global technological evolution to the right of data protection is the processing of such data in the context of profiling. UNICRI is leading a consortium of partners in the implementation of a new project which seeks to outline the main risks to human rights involved in profiling practices.
The PROFILING project has been funded by the European Commission, DG Justice, under the Fundamental Rights and Citizens programme. It is focused on identifying and tackling the challenges posed by technology to the fundamental right to data protection. The project’s reports and reserch papers are available on the website:
The project is carried out by a consortium of five partners:
- United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Institute – UNICRI
- Amapola – Projects on Security and Safety of Cities and Citizens
- Technical University of Berlin – TUB
- Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society – TILT
- Romanian Center for European Policies – CRPE
Main objectives: Identifying the risks related to the extensive use of profiling; Identifying the level of awareness of the responsible authorities of the Member States on the risks deriving from the use of profiling; Identifying the level of awareness of a selected sample/group of interviewers in testing partner countries; Identifying the countermeasures adopted in all EU Member States.
Donor: European Commission, DG Justice
Advocacy for truly democratic European elections
Period of implementation: September 1 2012 – April 31 2013
The latest European Parliament elections in 2009 showed that Romania registered a very low participation rate, just 27,7% (below the European average of 43%), generating a low interest among Romanian citizens. One of the causes is the form of the election process – namely, the closed party list system – which is used in Romania for the European elections. If the voting system remains unchanged, the European Parliament elections scheduled for 2014 will follow the same scenario, making pre-election debates meaningless and discouraging the open and transparent competition within parties which should select the best representatives.
Within the project “Advocacy for truly democratic European elections”, we aim to draft a series of comparative analysis of the electoral systems used by Member States of the European Union and to make recommendations for ways in which Romania could hold the future EP elections. Moreover, we actively advocate, within an advocacy campaign, for a truly competitive framework in which European elections should take place.
Donor: Foundation for Civil Society Development (FDSC)
Debating policies, enhancing expertise
Period of implementation: September 2012 – September 2013
The project’s aim is to develop the capacity of CRPE to analyze public policies and to effect ex-ante impact studies of public policies. In partnership with Agriculture, Finance, Education and Health ministries, CRPE will cover the following topics:
- Agriculture – the way through which the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) responds to the needs of the Romanian agriculture;
- Health – the preliminary analysis of the impact of the European directive regarding health services;
- Better regulation – the number 1 factor from the Better Regulation Strategy at the level of the central public administration – their impact on the Romanian economic activity and the regulation of the central public administration;
- Education – continuous Training policy of the teaching staff and the policy of the human resources;
- The Strategic Planning System at the governmental level – the Process of setting priorities at governmental level, guiding the sectorial priorities and the linkage with the resources.
You can view the web page dedicated to the project here.
Donor: The Sectorial Operational Program for the Development of Administrative Capacity (PODCA)
Contributions to the development partnership between Romania and Moldova
Period of implementation: August 2012 – August 2013
The project aims at managing a public consultation process on possible bilateral projects between the two countries, which will arise from solutions and innovative ideas to strengthen Romania’s role as a major partner of the Republic of Moldova in the development and Europeanization. It covers five areas of importance in the development partnership between Romania and Moldova: joint energy projects, economic investment, free competition and market economy Justice Reform, Regional Development. These areas will be addressed in 5 thematic debates, on which will be completed 5 research reports. In support of this research will be conducted visits to Bucharest and Chisinau respectively, for in-depth interviews with experts and officials from both countries.
Donors: US Agency for International Development (USAID) and Official Development Assistance Unit (Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Enhancing the capacity of Visegrad states, Romania and Bulgaria to act as ODA donors in the Black Sea region
Period of implementation: July 2012 – November 2013
After their accession to the European Union in 2004 the Visegrad countries (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia) had the obligation to become international donors for development. The same happened with Romania and Bulgaria after their integration in 2007.
This project aims at establishing a network of official development assistance (ODA) stakeholders in the six countries in order to:
- change information and best practices
- develop common proposals and projects to be implemented by the six countries, both among NGOs and state authorities.
In the first phase of the project, CRPE prepares two studies:
a)one describing the ODA institutional framework and practices in each of the Visegrad + 2 countries (Romania and Bulgaria);
b)the second assessing the donor profile for each of the six countries in key ODA recipients states in the Black Sea region.
The second phase of the project will focus on the Romanian ODA development, consisting of an advocacy campaign which will promote internally the lessons learned in the comparative studies in order to promote a better legal framework and good practices, making Romania a credible donor in Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Republic of Serbia.
Donor: Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (German Marshall Fund)
Research and advocacy for public policies favorable to the development of farmers’ associations in Romania
Period of implementation: July 2012 – April 2013
The project is part of the “Rural Development through Entrepreneurship and Association” programme- a joint initiative of the Romanian-American Foundation, PACT, CIVITAS, CSDF, CMSC, CRPE and CEED, which supports the development of associative entities in agriculture.
CRPE is actively involved in the future producer groups incubation process. CRPE conducts research regarding the main challenges in setting up farmers associations, with the aim of submitting policy recommendations to relevant line minsitries (Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, etc. )
Until April 2013, CRPE will prepare four reports on topics such as formalizing Romanian agriculture, taxation, access to agri-food chain for agricultural products, access to credit for agricultural associations. Reports will be documented through public consultations with stakeholders and recommendations will be presented to decision makers, in order to influence legislative changes.
Donor: Romanian-American Foundation