On November 18, 2010, the European Commission published the Communication “The Common Agricultural Policy in the perspective of 2020 “, the result of an extensive public debate during 2010 that began at the invitation of Romanian Commissioner Dacian Ciolos. Among the issues on which the Commission ruled in that communication is the one of small farms, for which the Commission wishes to propose a simple scheme, specific only to small farms, which would replace the current regime for the granting of direct payments.
Given that in Romania this type of agricultural areas represent a high percentage of agricultural holdings, the Romanian Centre for European Policies (CRPE) has organized on May 4, 2011, with the support of EurActiv and Infoeuropa, a public debate on this issue with key stakeholders, publicly proposing a simplified model of the scheme by which small farmers can have access to without filling in the annual subsidy applications and complex forms. At the basis of discussion were the proposals made in the CRPE Policy Brief no. 7 by the expert Lucian Luca, the discussions focusing on (1) diagnosing the Romanian agricultural problems in the context of the CAP reform and (2) finding solutions (both for procedures and criteria) to increase the use of land.
The summary of the debates can be viewed here (only in Romanian).
The event was presented LIVE TEXT on EurActiv.ro within the project “CRPE-EurActiv Debates”. The complete article and the readers’ comments here.
Photo from right to left: Daniela Giurca, General Director Policy Sector in the MADR Vegetable Sector; Nina Talvar, Personal Adviser, Cabinet of State Secretary Adrian Radulescu, MADR;Willy Schuster, EcoRuralis; Tiberiu Cazacioc The Association Radu Anton Roman Initiative Group;
The full list of participants here.
This debate is the first events of its kind from the series “CRPE forums on Romanian agriculture in the CAP context” to be organized by CRPE in the near future.
The CRPE debate appears in the project “Romania active in the European debates II” developed by the Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE) and funded by the Soros Foundation in the framework of the External Politics Initiative.