Events organized by CRPE for the Representation of the European Commission in Romania

 European perspectives” marked a series of conferences on European themes organised by the European Commission Representation in Bucharest in 2009. From 2010, the conferences were organized by CRPE in collaboration with DC Communication within a services contract with RCE.

The sequal “European perspectives” involves organizing two conferences with international participants and ten national conferences.

The contribution of CRPE involved:

  • providing the fundamental themes of the events  ( each conference had a background paper)
  • the identification and invitation of the most suitable personalities for the debated topics
  • moderating the debates
  • making the debate synthesis
  • promoting the events in the media

10th of  February 2012:  Romania’s Economic and Financial Perspectives in the context of EU’s evolution

The Romanian Center for European Policies assisted the European Commission Representation to continue the series of debates on economic topics within the “European Perspectives” project by organizing this roundtable on the 10th of February 2012.

Structuri și tendințe pe spații societale și regionale 2007-2011

The event has been organized as a rountable to encourage the active and direct participation in the debate.

The guests who participated were:

  • Leonard Orban –the minister of European Affairs, Ministry of European Affairs
  • Daniel Dăianu –Proffessor at National School of Political and Administrative Studies
  • Florin Pogonaru – The President of the Romanian Businessmen Association
  • Sorin Dimitriu –The President of the Commerce and Industry Chamber of Bucharest
  • Valentin Lazea – Chief Economist, Romanian National Bank
  • Andrei Mocearov – Director, Romanian Parliament, Vasile Puşcaş – Prof. Dr.
  • Vlad Muscalu – Economist, ING Bank
  • Radu Soviani – Journalist

The moderator of this roundtable was  Dragoș Pâslaru,  the General Director of GEA Strategy & Consulting.


14th of March 2012: Structures and Tendencies on social and regional areas 2007-2011

The European Commission Representation in Romania with the support of the Romanian Center for European Policies has organized a roundtable on the topic ” Structures and tendencies on social and regional areas 2007-2011” based on the study of prof. Dumitru Sandu.

Structuri și tendințe pe spații societale și regionale 2007-2011

Prof. Sandu had taken and consolidated the data processed by the standard Eurobarometers applied between 2006-2011  writing a synthesis work which presents the Romanian public opinion in the European context after 5 years of accession. The study provides answers to the most important topics for the general public, such as the way Romanians cope with the economic crisis and to what extent their satisfaction indicator is eroded, making the public agendas according to the regions from Romania or the big regions, the trust in institutions.

The report presentation was followed by a debate on the main topics of the study, with the participation of the sociologists Mircea Kivu and  Vintilă Mihăilescu.

The debate was moderated by the journalist Ovidiu Nahoi.


20th of  April 2012: The Perspectives and the Outcomes of Revising the EU legislation in the field of personal data protection

The European Commission Representation in Romania with the support of CRPE has organized the roundtable ” The Perspectives and the outcomes of revising the EU legislation in the field of personal data protection”. In January 2011, the European Commission has filed a proposal to reform the current legal framework in the field of personal data protection which was transposed in very different ways in the 27th member states. The main provisions of this initiative which cedes the consolidation of the European digital market and indirectly the growth stimulation and innovation has been presented by Francis Svilans, the DG Justice representative of the European Commission.

Perspectivele și implicațiile revizuirii legislației UE referitoare la protecția datelor personale

The presentation was followed by the presentation on this topic of Georgeta Basarabescu the President of the National Authority of  Personal Data Protection ( ANSPDCP) and Bogdan Manole, the director of the Technology and Internet Association.

The debate was moderated by Ciprian Ciucu, The Romanian Center for European Policies.


9th of May 2012: How Pro-european are Romanians?

CRPE has assisted the European Commission Representation in Romania, which together with the Ministry of European Affairs in collaboration with the European Institute from Romania organized on the 9th of May 2012 the debate “How Proeuropean are Romanians?” as a part of the monthly events “European Perspectives”.

The accession to the European Union has been awaited with enthusiasm by a large number of Romanians. The event has been organized with the occassion of Europe’s Day and it aimed at analyzing the attitude of our fellow citizens regarding European Union after 5 years of Romania’s full membership. The last surveys influenced by the economic crisis have indicated a low level of trust in the Union.

Cat de proeuropeni mai sunt romanii?

Which are the causes? How will this situation evolve? These are only few of the questions to which our guests tried to find possible answers. The speakers were:

  • Niculae Idu, The Chief of the European Commission Representation in Romania;
  • Leonard Orban,The Minister of European Affairs, Ministry of European Affairs;
  • Gabriela Drăgan, General Director  of the European Institute from Romania;
  • Valentin Lazea, Chief-economist, Romanian National Bank  ;
  • Daniel Dăianu, Professor at National School of Political and Administrative Studies, member of the Romanian Academy
  • Dumitru Sandu, Professor at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance at Bucharest University;
  • Vintilă Mihăilescu, Professor at the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, “Dilema Veche” columnist;
  • Dumitru Borţun, Professor at  the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations at SNSPA ;
  • Mircea Kivu, Sociologist;
  • Florin Pogonaru,President of  The Romanian Businessmen Association 
  • Aurelian Dochia,  Economist , managing partner Concept;
  • Andrei Mocearov, Director, Chamber of Deputees;
  • Cristian Ghinea, Director  of the Romanian Center for European Policies, ” Dilema Veche” columnist;


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