28 februarie – 3 martie 2013: cursul de Training privind Analiza Preliminară a Impactului Politicilor Publice (ex-ante impact assessment).

Tr 1The Romanian Center for European Policies has organized from the 28th of February to the 3rd of March the Training Course “The preliminary analysis of the impact of public policies” (ex-ante impact assessment).  The course was held at Hotel Silva in Bușteni, Telecabinei Street, no 54A, Bușteni, Prahova County.

he event was attended by representatives of five ministries involved in the project (Regional Development and Public Administration; Education, Research, Youth and Sports; Agriculture and Rural Development; Public Finance and Health) and of the General Secretariat of the Government as well as affiliate experts to the Romanian Center for European Policies.

The Training course and Team Building in “Public Policies” is part of the project “Debating policies, enhancing expertise”, SMIS code 40667 which is financed through the Operational Project Developing Administrative Capacity of the European Social Fund for the time span 25.09.2012 – 25.09.2013.