STRUCTURAL REFORMS: How to stop the political assault on democracy in Romania?

Policy Memo 52, Victor Giosan, CRPE 2013

In the context of public contestation and the dramatic decline of confidence in politicians, there is a danger that the main source of modernization of Romania – the middle class – will depart from the democratic system.

The Romanian Center for European Policies appreciates that the situation is dangerous in the long term for the future of democracy. There is an urgent need to change the operation of the policy.

The CRPE’s report “How to stop the political assault on democracy?, written by the affiliated expert of the Romanian Center for European Policies, Victor Giosan, is a diagnostic analysis of Romanian politics, of the causes that have generated an unprecedented crisis of confidence in the political class and which proposes urgent intervention in reforming the political parties.

The report and proposed solutions benefit from the experience of Victor Giosan – former Deputy Secretary-General of the Government, who’s task has been focused on rationalizing the public policies in the Romanian Government. With a political experience of over 20 years (he is a simple member of the National Liberal Party), Victor Giosan knows how the Romanian political parties works and proposes solutions in order to reform them. Currently, Victor Giosan is an international expert in good governance and administrative reform, working in countries like Moldova, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Tajikistan. Since 2013 he is an affiliated expert of the Romanian Center for European Policies.