Romania’s Schengen Accession Process: lesson learned, failed exam

Policy Memo No.20;  January 2011

Author: Ciprian Ciucu

The monitoring aimed at recoding the compliance with the official engagements undertaken by Romania in the work sheet entitled the Schengen Action

Plan, developed each year by the Schengen Department, endorsed by the National Schengen Self-evaluation Commission1, operating under the coordination of the Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs and approved by the Government of Romania. This commission is made up of all Romanian institutions with managerial prerogatives related to the Schengen acquis.

This report completes the independent monitoring of the Romanian state institutions responsible for complying with the technicalities in view of the Schengen joining process. Throughout this report, the focus shall be on the progress or stagnations (as the case may be) registered during the last part of 2010, from September to present. At the same time, lessons shall be learnt from the political lesson offered within the framework of the Schengen process.

The report is available, here.