Romania – active in European Debates

Romania – active in European Debates

Period of implementation: May 2009 – May 2010

Three years after the European accession and after a long pre-accession period we still did not had in Romania a real and well informed debate in order to involve relevant stakeholders in public European policies. EU’s seventh country by population, Romania fails to live up to its position due to its weak, unprofessional and many times insufficiently documented voice.

The project Romania active in European Debates proposes the most appropriate positions the country adopt in EU debates and explains their stakes.

Target groups 

The project addresses to European affairs departments in the ministries, Romanian government, Romanian members in the European Parliament, specialized parliamentary commissions, journalists, embassies, NGOs, and last but no the least to European think-thanks in the same networks with CRPE.

Our experts prepared with regularity studies focused on the Romania’s interests and opportunities within major European debates. We explained to people the decisions of European Councils and of the UE rotating presidencies aiming to incite debates around European topics. Our Center delivered for reports on major themes for EU and with direct impact on Romania:
–    Common agricultural policy
–    European energy security
–    Post-Kyoto targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
–    EU budget and prioritizing the structural and cohesion funds

The project team also pruduced a number of seven bolicy briefs.

The studies may be found in English at the Publication section of our site.

Donor: Romanian Soros Foundation within the Foreign Policy Initiative