Pilot program for early prevention of corruption: Legal education in schools (the results of the evaluation)

IMG_0461Over 90% of the high school students who participated in the demonstrative lessons in the framework of the educative pilot program „Education for Justice and Democracy – a citizen training program in schools” in Bucharest, appreciated as „useful” and „very useful” the information and content of the demonstrative lessons taught by prosecutors, judges, lawyers, notaries, mediators, while 84% of them said that they would like to study juridical education, if it would be included through optional courses.

Moreover, 94% of the students indicated that they would much prefer juridical education to be taught or explained by a law practitioner and only 6% by high school teachers. This evaluation is the result of the survey conducted on 993 students from the pre-universitary system from ten colleges in Bucharest, in the framework of the „Education for Justice and Democracy – a citizen training program in schools” pilot project.

The students from the colleges in which juridical education was thought received a guide – Law related education for high school students, which is available here. Law practitioners, as well as teachers who want to organize juridical education lessons have also a guide to help them available, in Romanian, here.

During the project, 60 law practitioners participated in trainings focused on teaching methods with the purpose of enabling them to teach demonstrative lessons of legal education in pre-universitary learning institutions from Bucharest and South Muntenia Region. Over 20 colleges and schools were included in the pilot program and over 1000 guides were distributed in Bucharest, Constanta, Ploiesti, Arges and Iasi.

The pilot project aimed to test the best formulas for teaching legal education in schools as a tool for early prevention of corruption, to promote respect for law and democracy and knowledge of rights and civil liberties. The tools developed within this project are also available, only in Romanian, on the website of the Ministry of Justice –  http://www.just.ro/resurse-pentru-educatie-juridica-non-formala/.

This project is implemented by The Romanian Center for European Policies and Liderjust and funded through SEE 2009-2014 Grants, within NGO Fund in Romania. For more information concerning SEE and Norwegian Grants please access www.eeagrants.org