Pension Reform – From experts to the general public 

Pension Reform – From experts to the general public 

Period of implementation: July 2013 – October 2014

The Resource Center for Public Participation (CE-RE) and the Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE) aim to put the subject on the public agenda by providing empirical evidence and policy options regarding pension reform and by facilitating deliberations with all stakeholders. Its main objective is the involvement of the main social actors (experts, government representatives, politicians, business environment, citizens and civil society organizations) in a deliberative process for developing a policy proposal on reforming the Romanian pension system.

The project will provide a number of essential information regarding pension reform to the Government – referring to the current status-quo, as well as forecasts; the main policy choices with their advantages and disadvantages; the views of all stakeholders on reform. Relevant ministries will be involved in all stages of the project, moreover the Ministry of Labour already expressed its willingness to participate.

Donor: The project is co-financed by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.

More information about the project here.