October 1, 2013 – “An innovative measure for financing agricultural associations: Measure 142+. Proposal for RDP 2014-2020”

poza 1The Romanian Center for European Policies ( RCEP ) has organized on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 , a debate on the “An innovative measure for financing agricultural associations: Measure 142+. Proposal for RDP 2014-2020” report. As illustrated in the report, the measure involves supporting the formation of agricultural associations, during the next programming period of the European funds, in two stages: one of organizing the initiative group, establishing and strengthening cooperation with a supporting organizations, followed by a phase of individualized assistance offered to the newly created entity in the first years of operation.

The design of the measure presented during the event resulted from the consultation process organized by RAF and CRPE with CIVITAS, CSDF, CMSC, PACT, and CEED – organizations that have developed cooperative pilot project areas : Vidra-Ilfov, Apahida-Cluj, Prisăcani-Iași. The estimates and proposals were a result of the experience of working with these cooperatives.