CRPE implemented, from 27th of January to 15th of March 2017, the Exchanging expertise: active citizenship, monitoring tools and policies project, which aimed to initiate an exchange of experience and good practices between Romanian Center for European Policies and entities from Norway.
The study visit focused on three areas of expertise and interest, respectively 1) Civic engagement, 2) Monitoring policies, good governance and watchdogging, 3) EU policies and research, which represent key issues and dimensions of the projects we have developed under the NGO Fund (2009-2014).
The activities focused on the dissemination and valorisation of the achievements of the projects financed under the NGO Fund, but also on strengthening CRPE’s capacity to more effectively implement projects, design tools and ensure sustainability by sharing good practices with Norwegian partners. Moreover, an important component addressed during the meetings was the bilateral dimension and, in this regard, discussions concerning future partnerships opportunities have been initiated.
Project implemented with the financial support of the NGO Fund in Romania, a program funded by the EEA Grants and managed by the Civil Society Development Foundation.