Eurosfat 2019: Can civic engagement influence the result of the European elections?

April, 12. We debated in the EUROSFAT Forum 2019 whether and how civic actions, street protests or civil society initiatives can influence the European elections of May 26, 2019.

We looked for ideas to understand how civic movements which have occurred recently in Romania, Poland, Hungary or Slovakia can re-engage in the European elections or how they can contribute to bringing together citizens and policy-makers so as to influence the future of the European Union in a positive way.

What are the lessons that political parties can learn as a result of civic actions or protest movements?

We debated these topics with Dragos Pislaru (2020 Alliance USR PLUS, Romania), Victor Negrescu (Social Democratic Party, Romania), Berg Dániel (Momentum Party, Hungary), Milosz Hodun (Counselor of Nowoczesna Party, Poland), Kit Gillett (Journalist), Catalin Tenita (Geeks for Democracy, Romania), Tudor Bradatan (Declic community, Romania), Elena Ghioc (Initiativa Romania), Mihai Tudorica (Association for Community Relations, Romania).

The debate brought together activists and representatives of civic movements from Central and Eastern Europe, politicians, journalists, representatives of NGOs and academia, students (about 100 participants).

Photo source: Europuls – Centrul de Expertiza Europeana






The conference was organized in the framework of the project “A new narrative for Europe: Bringing more union into the European Union”, funded by the European Commission, Europe for Citizens Programme, Strand2: Democratic engagement and civic participation.