June 8, 2015, Bucharest – Education for Justice and Democracy – extensive consultations

CRPE and Lidejust.ro, together with Education professionals and law practitioners, participated in the consultation related to the education of the future active and involved Romanian citizens.

“Education for Justice and Democracy – a citizen training program in schools” is a pilot project whereby magistrates and lawyers will establish “a citizen training program in schools”. The aim of the meeting – during which two working groups were formed – was to identify the challenges, limitations and options regarding the introduction of legal education in schools, to outline pilot methods of intervention in order to achieve results which could contribute to public policy decisions in the field of both Justice and Education.

The format of the meeting facilitated plenary discussion, but also debates within working groups in order to evaluate efficiently and specifically the relevant aspects for the education and judicial systems.

The consultations were held within the “Education for Justice and Democracy – a citizen training program in schools” project, implemented by the Romanian Center of European Policies and Liderjust and funded through SEE 2009-2014 Grants, within NGO Fund in Romania.