E-Protect II: Enhancing the protection of children – victims of crime

E-PROTECT II is designed to build up on and expand the results of E-PROTECT implementation. The project is set to provide capacity building to professionals and improve the cooperation between competent authorities dealing with child victims. E-PROTECT II implementation will advance the support, provided to child victims of crime, as it will further empower the variety of professionals, actively working on this field. This way E-PROTECT II will boost Directive 2012/29 practical application & raise awareness on child’s rights, granted there

The objectives pursued by E-PROTECT II are:

▪ To boost Directive 2012/29 practical application in cases of child victims of crime

▪ To deliver capacity building on the basis of the elaborated by the E-PROTECT project IAM to child protection professionals by combining standard (MeetUps, twinning visits) and novel (virtual events & simulation game) approaches

▪ To improve cooperation among competent national authorities, NGOs and/or professional organisations in the field of child victims’ rights

▪ To raise awareness on child’s rights, granted by Directive 2012/29

▪ To enlarge and grow the established E-PROTECT community – a pan-European multidisciplinary, multi-sectorial network of professionals, working with child victims and facilitate their mutual cooperation

The target group of the project is composed of child protection professionals (this group unites a large variety of practitioners, as handling this delicate task requires multidisciplinary expertise: lawyers, judges, prosecutors, law enforcement agencies, medical staff, psychologists, social workers, civil servants all represent this wide variety of experts, which will be targeted during project implementation), policy-makers and general public.

The partners are Law and Internet Foundation (Bulgaria), Defence for Children International (Italy), Ministero della Giustizia (Italy), The Romanian Center for European Policies (Romania), South East European Research Center (Greece).

The project implementation is supported by the Justice Programme of the European Commission under Grant Agreement № 878593.