Debate on enhancing protection of children victims of crime

Bucharest, September, 20, 2018. Romanian Center for European Policies organized the conference on the transposition and the implementation of the European Directive 2012/29/EU on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime in Romania. During the conference the situation on the national level was presented and the public policy options promoted in the national legal framework regarding the protection of victims of crime.

The event brought together professionals from the fields of Social Protection and Justice, public policy experts from the Ministry of Labor and Social Justice and Ministry of Justice, experts and practitioners of The National Authority for Child Rights Protection and Adoption (N.A.C.R.P.A.), representatives of non-governmental organizations Salvaţi Copiii, FONPC and World Vision.

The E-PROTECT project is implemented by 5 organisations from 5 EU Member States – Bulgaria, Austria, Italy, Greece and Romania, brought together by their desire to combine their efforts and contribute to an improved understanding on the child rights guaranteed by Directive 2012/29/EU.

 For more information concerning E-PROTECT please access