Creation and Capacity Building of Quality Assurance Agency for Professional Education in Republic of Moldova


Period: September 2014-May 2015

The “Creation and Capacity Building of Quality Assurance Agency for Professional Education in Republic of Moldova” aims to support the establishment of Quality Assurance Agency for Professional Education (Higher education and Vocation Education) in Moldova. On a larger scale, it exerts positive influence on the competitiveness of the graduates of VET (vocation education and training) and higher education institutions and the economic development in Moldova in general. Specific activities include cooperation with the Moldovan Ministry of Education in preparing respective draft Acts, developing evaluation methodology, specifying the qualification requirements for the Agency’s personnel, and training of personnel and evaluation experts. In the final stage of the project, accreditations will be piloted in one higher education institution and in one VET institution.


The current situation in education sector in Republic of Moldova could be characterised as passing via a range of systemic reforms that intent to reorganise the system in such a way that this would be cost efficient, updated to the labour market needs and of good quality.


Although the state economic growth document “Moldova 2020”, first priority “Relevant study for career”; education strategy “Education 2020” and the vocational education strategy “Strategy for the development of vocation education system for the years 2014 – 2020” are very much focused on provision of quality education, the country does not have a quality assurance mechanism for none of education levels. In result, the education system is not competitive and a widespread dissatisfaction with the quality of the studies and the qualification of the graduates has been detected among both students and the employers.


Donor: The Project is supported by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Development Cooperation Program