‘Civic literacy and juridical education” debates with students in Law School

Bucharest, 25 March 2016 – The Debate ‘Civic literacy and juridical education” with students in Law School: exercises and practical lessons for an active citizenship

Civic literacy and juridical education was the theme of the debate  organized by Romanian Center for European Policies and Liderjust in partnership with Romanian – American University and Center for Human Rights and Migration. The students were invited to discuss about the possiblities to contribute, as future Law practitioners, to the promotion of civic literacy.


At the event were also attended representatives of the Ministry of Justice. They offered details about new initiatives for promoting juridical education. The debate was followed by practical lessons for the students, who would subsequently go  in small communities and explain notions of law, democracy, human rights and civic attitude.

More details about other tools and methods for promoting active ctizenship are available at  http://expertforum.ro/cetatenia-activa/

The debate was organized within the project “Active Citizenship – A Powerful Tool for Streghtening the Rule of Law” funded through SEE 2009-2014 Grants, within NGO Fund in Romania. 

For more information concerning SEE and Norwegian Grants please access www.eeagrants.org