The analysis of staff recruitment policies for the preuniversitary education level

CRPE Policy Memo 44The analysis of staff recruitment policies for the preuniversitary educaton level August 2013, Authors: Ciprian Fartunisc.  As it is a policy document, this analysis focuses on the main aspects which are specific to a policy recommendation: the context, the methodology used for analysis, the main areas under investigation, the conclusions of the analysis and main recommendations for improvement.

coperta invatamant crpe englezaThe an alysis itself focuses on the main challenges which the current policy of human resource recruitment faces, i.e.:

  • The negative demographical tendency both until 2020 and until 2050, which will cause part of the current positions of tenure teachers to lose viability and will cause a decrease of the number of vacant positions to be offered for competition;
  • The constant erosion of the status and image of teaching staff which has already caused a decrease of the number of those considering the teaching career as first option, rather than as a safety net;
  • The changing course of decentralisation policies in education, both in terms of human resources and in terms of financing provided for education, which is now creating great differences between schools which receive support from local authorities and schools which do not;
  • The current imbalance between the two categories of teachers employed within the system (tenured teaching staff and substitute teaching staff) in terms of their possibilities to develop a teaching career;
  • The challenges affecting the way in which the annual list including didactic positions/ positions declared vacant/ reserved presented yearly by the school inspectorates is drafted;
  • The financing system which only brings little incentive, especially to beginner teaching staff and teaching staff which must teach in schools where a large ratio of the pupils are at a risk of exclusion.

All of the above offer a solid discussion base for the analysis of the current methodology used for employment to the positions/ departments declared vacant in the undertakings of the preuniversity system. Thus we will analyze the selection process currently used for recruiting new teaching staff to the preuniversity teaching level. We will especially focus on how the competition is organized for employment to the vacant positions and on the difficulties schools and candidates are faced with under the current framework. Likewise, we will analyze in this section the challenges the education system is faced with at different levels, subjects/ curricular areas, residential environments etc.

The conclusions and recommendations section will restate the main challenges as shown by research data and issue priority intervention recommendations for each of these challenges. Taking into account that the policies in this area may only be improved currently by an incremental approach, our analysis will indicate several categories of interventions, the stakeholders and the estimated resources.

Full report, in English, in available here