Implementing the DCFTA beyond the statistics. Reaping the benefits for key segments of the Moldovan agricultural and industrial sector

Implementing the DCFTA beyond the statistics. Reaping the benefits for key segments of the Moldovan agricultural and industrial sector

Period of implementation: February 2014 – December 2014

Moldovan officials finalized the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) agreement at the Vilnius Summit. The DCFTA represents a huge opportunity, offering Moldova a framework for modernizing its trade relations and a basis for economic development via the progressive removal of tariffs and quotas, and through an extensive harmonization of laws, norms and regulations in various trade-related sectors. As such, full trade liberalization with the EU will provide direct access to the Single Market and will be conducive to economic development and the improvement of the economic competitiveness.

At this point, it is essential for the economic environment of Republic of Moldova to receive technical assistance from countries such as Romania, which have already undergone this EU economic integration process, to be able to fully reap its benefits and effectively adjust its structure to the workings and specificities of the EU common market. 

Consequently, the current project aims to  support Moldovan stakeholders (economic agents, business organizations, civil society experts, the government) in mitigating the adjustment costs and fully reaping the economic benefits of the DCFTA by going beyond the macroeconomic forecasts and examining the implementation specificities of three key segments (textile industry, sugar industry and wine industry) of the agro-industrial sector.

This project is implemented by CRPE – R. Moldova.

Donor: MATRA, Netherlands Embassy, Program “Rule of law and good governance”