The European Commission Representation in Romania and the Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE) organized the international conference “Ten years from now. European Economic Development and Governance. ” The event set out to discuss recent developments at the European level with respect to the European Commission initiative to strengthen European economic governance, in order to achieve the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy.
The conference brought together representatives of public authorities and Member States embassies in Romania, representatives of specialized European think tanks, members of civil society and academics. Among the participants we name here the European Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget, Mr Janusz Lewandowski and George Ialomiţieanu, Minister of Finance.
The full event agenda here.
Photo from left to right: Janusz Lewandowski, European Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget; Ialomiteanu George, Minister of Public Finance, Marek Dabrowski, Chairman, Centre for Social and Economic Reform (CSER)
Daniel Daianu, former Minister of Finance and MEP, about the reform of economic governance in the EU.
Dragos Dinu, administration expert, RCEP, about the Romanian planning system the 2020 Strategy.
Marek Dabrowski, Chairman, Center for Economic and Social Reform (CASE) Poland, on the macroeconomic monitoring mechanism at EU level.
Ginavar Anca, General Director, General Directorate for Territorial Development MDRT, about urban competitiveness.
Teodor Frolu, DC Communication Director, about the ECO Bucharest 2020.