18 – 19 June 2013: Fighting Discrimination – the challenges of institution-building in the Republic of Moldova (working visit)

The Romania3 Reprezentantii Consiliului pentru Prevenirea si Eliminarea Discriminarii MD cu ONG-urile 2 la Bucuresti 18 iunie 2013n Center for European Policies (CRPE), together with the Association of Foreign Policy (APE) Chișinău, organized on the 18-19 June 2013 a working visit of representatives from the Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality (CPEDAS) of the Republic of Moldova and the National Council for Fighting Discrimination (CNDC) of Romania, as part of the  project “Contributions to the development partnership between Romania and the Republic of Moldova“.

The visit involves experience sharing between the two institutions, a dialogue with civil society and an applied session of judiciary practice, sanction of discrimination acts, best practice sharing and communication and information regarding human rights and the effects of discrimination. This is the fifth action organised by the two partner organisations (CRPE and APE) within the project. Former meetings discussed: policies in the field of competition, energy cooperation and integrity (a visit from the representatives of the Moldovan National Integrity Center to the Romanian National Integrity Agency).