13th of June 2011: First expert meeting in the project “EU and justice reform. Lessons learned from Romania and Bulgaria; Moldova and Ukraine; Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia’s experience.”

“EU and justice reform. Lessons learned from Romania and Bulgaria; Moldova and Ukraine; Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia’s experience” is a project implemented by the Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE) and financed by the German Marshall Fund, Open Society Institute East East program and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. The objective of this project is to create a framework for discussions and to propose innovative solutions to improve the EU conditionalities, in order to speed up the judiciary reform in Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine and Moldova.

To this end, 7 country reports will be launched in September 2011,  which will represent the judiciary particularities in each state involved in the project (Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova and Ukraine), and in November 2011- a comprehensive report with conclusions and recommendations for the EU.

On  June 13th 2011, at the InfoEuropa headquarters in Bucharest the first meeting of the experts involved in the project took place: Laura Stefan and Cristian Ghinea, experts from Romania, Antoinette Primatarova, expert Bulgaria; Munir Podumljak, expert Croatia; Mihail Gotovski, expert Macedonia; Alexandru Cocîrță, expert Republic of Moldova, Dragana Boljevic, expert Serbia, Volodymyr Yavorskyy, expert Ukraine. The list of participants is available, here. The objective of this meeting was to define the working methodology and the structure of the reports.

The EU’s mission (im)possible? Bringing the judiciary on the right track - A theoretical perspective – Anitta Hipper.