Assessing engagement and tapping into the potential of Local Action Groups in Romania to further Roma economic integration in rural areas

Assessing engagement and tapping into the potential of Local Action Groups in Romania to further Roma economic integration in rural areas

Period of implementation: December 2016 – March 2018

Over 60% of Romanian Roma lives in rural areas, mostly concentrated on the segregated peripheries of settlements, where their already disadvantaged position is many times worsened by widespread social inequality and discrimination, reduced access to employment and economic opportunities. For the first time, Romania’s National Rural Development Program (NRDP) 2014-2020 includes on LEADER axis measures targeting the integration of marginalized groups including Roma, one of the policy priorities assigned to LAGs  being Roma inclusion.  In Romania currently there are 200 LAGs, out of which approx.110 (current estimates based on preliminary strategies) set out to include in their Local development Strategies measures aimed at Roma integration.

The proposed project, implemented in partnership with Policy Center for Roma and Minorities and National  Federation of Local Action Groups in Romania, sets out to provide selected LAGs with best practice examples from other relevant European countries of successful Roma economic integration measures through LEADER approach, to render the existing measures functional by engaging the Roma themselves in selected LAGs in project design, to increase awareness and understanding by the Romanian decision-makers and other stakeholders of the Roma economic integration dimension (in terms of employment and entrepreneurship) of Local Action Groups for the period 2014-2020 as both grassroots European funds managers and Roma integration evidence-based policy suppliers and to advocate for the implementation of the respective policy proposals coming from LAGs.

Donor: Open Society Institute