The reflection of the Transnistrian conflict in the eyes of youth through street art

The reflection of the Transnistrian conflict in the eyes of youth through street art

Duration of the project: February – July 2020

The breakaway between Transnistria and the Republic of Moldova gave rise to different societies, often polarized, divided not only by the Nistru River, but also by social, political and cultural disparities. Gradually, citizens on both sides have been exposed to radically different environments, as well as to propaganda and disinformation which have led to troubles in communication especially at people-to-people level.

The project aims to raise awareness among the youths from Chisinau and Dubasari on the Transnistrian conflict. More specifically, it seeks to convey views, build bridges of communication and promote reconciliation to the younger generation by using urban art and pop culture in reflecting their views on a tumultuous past and their search for solutions for reconciliation through the design of the two mural walls with air purifying capacity in Chisinau and Transnistria.

The project envisages the following activities:

  1. Engaging 20 students from 6 high schools from Chisinau and Transnistria in a training course on the causes of the Transnistrian conflict, as well as on the role of social media platforms, NGOs and urban art in fighting stereotypes and disinformation;
  2. Designing two mural graphics reflecting the views from the participants on the perspectives on conflict reconciliation, as resulted from the training course;
  3. Elaborating a booklet that will encompass the mural graphics, views from the participants, the impact and recommendations to be considered at the community level in both societies, as resulted from the activities of the project.

The project is implemented by the Moldovan Branch of Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE – R. Moldova) with the support of The Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE) and the media coverage of – a national online platform covering specifically the situation in the region of Transnistria.

The project is funded by the The Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation of German Marshall Fund