Republic of Moldova on the edge of the abyss – the next step forward. Short assessment of the economic reform and some recommendations

coperta-Republica-Moldova-pe-marginea-abisului-212x300The Romanian Center for European Policies released the report „Republic of Moldova on the edge of the abyss – the next step forward. Short assessment of the economic reform and some recommendations”.

The last 12 months have proven difficult for the Republic of Moldova. The delayed reforms in the fields of economy and justice, the politic instability, the financial scandals and the apparent lack of progress in the recovery of  the misapproapriated funds from three commercials banks, led to the suspension of foreign assistance. One by one, the European Union and the World Bank have suspended a large part of the assistance offered to Moldova, the IFM stopped negotiations on a new agreement, while the loan of 150 milion euros negociated with the Romanian Government was conditioned by clear progress towards reforms.

The Government has drastically reduced capital investments and other expenses considered non-essential and promised to concentrate on reducing the gap between words and facts. This month we will have the opportunity to see if the government last-minute efforts will be enough to convince their partners that this time the efforts are both sincere and sustainable.

The „Republic of Moldova on the edge of the abyss – the next step forward. Short assessment of the economic reform and some recommendations” report,  written by George Teodorescu, attempts to provide an overview of the stage of the top-priority reforms for the resumption of external financing i.e. the banking sector, the judicial system, the business sector, as well as recommendations for strengthening the Moldavian economy. The report covers the period between the end of January and the beginning of April 2016.

The full report, in Romanian, is available here.

This policy report was published within the framework of the project „Regional Cooperation Romania-Moldova-Ukraine – key for stability in the post-Crimea Black Sea Region”, with the support of Black Sea Trust, a project of German Marshall Fund USA.