Policy memo, no. 19, December 2010
Authors: Cristian Ghinea, Dragoș Dinu, Paul Ivan
This report presents an independent analysis of the efforts made by Romania in 2010 in both its bilateral relationship with Chisinau and as an advocate for Moldova’s integration in the European Union.
Given these prospects, the authors analyse both the financial aid given by Romania to Moldova and the institutional cooperation between the two countries. A general conclusion of the report is that although there is political will from both sides, the actual management of this relationship is fragmented and lethargic.
Consequently, the report recommends the creation of a coordination office led by a “Mister Moldova” – a figure with political and institutional authority who would make Romania’s efforts more coherent. The 100 million euro financial aid which was promised to Moldova is being delayed. The authors make several recommendations for a better management of these funds.
The infrastructure and energy projects started by Romania and Moldova are at the moment in various stages of feasibility studies. For some of them, Romania began the financing process through European Union funds (the status of each project is described in the report).
A large part of this report represents the history of the border treaty signed by Bucharest and Chisinau, the authors having had access to inside information from the diplomatic sphere which explain the evolution of negotiating a basic document, later of a border treaty between Bucharest and Chisinau. Concerning the Transnistria issue, the authors recommend that Bucharest show maximum restraint since we do not have another stake than supporting Chisinau.
The report is available, here.
A synthesis of the recommendations provided, here.
This report was launched in the project `Romania – Moldova partnership for European integration. The Contribution of the Civil Society` jointly sponsored by the Romanian and Moldovan Soros foundation