European judicial cooperation in the area of cybercrime

European judicial cooperation in the area of cybercrime

Period of implementation: September 2015 – June 2016

The project tackles the issue of European Cooperation on fighting Cybercrime from a judicial perspective, addressing the need of prosecutors and judges to have accurate knowledge of the present methods used in cybercrime investigation, national work procedures but also good practices in bi-lateral cooperation or cooperation with EU institutions. For this purpose, a target group of 60 judges and prosecutors from two Member States – Romania and Bulgaria – will benefit from trainings in this area. The target group will also benefit from a introductory Legal English training in the area of Cybercrime, utmost necessary in a technical and English language oriented area like information technology.

Also, in order to disseminate the information from the trainings to a wider group of magistrates across Europe, a Guideline will be drafted and it will be made available on the websites of the National Institutes for the Training of Magistrates’ in the two countries. Furthermore, the Guideline will be available for the two Institutes to share within their available networks on European Judicial Cooperation.

The project aims at contributing to a further development of an European area of justice based on mutual trust and cooperation, with a view to fostering a common legal and judicial culture in Europe.

The project is implemented by Romanian Center for European Policies, in partnership with Center for Criminal Justice and Security StudiesNational Institute for Magistracy in Romania and National Institute for Justice.

Donor: Project funded by the Justice Programme 2014-2020 of the European Union