Education for Justice and Democracy – a citizen training program in schools

Education for Justice and Democracy – a citizen training program in schools


Period of implementation: 1th of April 2015 – 31th of March 2016

Romanian Center for European Policies and Liderjust are launching the Education for Justice and Democracy – a citizen training program in schools project.

The project started from recent findings undertaken by the management of judicial system: in this moment, at least one out of six Romanians has a file in court. What follows after the arrests operated by DNA (National Anticorruption Directorate)? Repression techniques by themselves – criminal investigations, sentences – are not sufficient in the long term for fighting such an ingrained phenomenon. How prepared is the younger generation in order to be able to reject corruption and clientelism?

As consigned by a Justice-Education inter-governmental protocol, juridical education is prerequisite for preventing corruption, knowing one’s own civil rights and liberties and promoting respect towards law and democracy. All these are in fact the main targets of this project. It proposes an educative pilot program (targeting national colleges from Bucharest Ilfov and Muntenia Southern Region) for pre-university education system (1.000 highschool students, 9th and 10th grade) consisting in teaching education for justice and democracy, with the help of law practitioners (magistrates and future magistrates, judges and prosecutors), teachers and school managers.

The project has also proposed a long term strategy concerning early prevention of corruption, promoting respect for the rule of law, incorruptible behaviors and civic attitudes through implementation of adequate policies.


Bucharest, 20 April 2016 – Final Conference of the project “Education for Justice and Democracy – a citizenship training programme in schools”

Romanian Center for European Policies together with Liderjust (association of law practitioners) organized on April 20th of April 2016, the final conference of the project „Education for Justice and Democracy – a citizenship training program in schools”.

During the final conference the most important results of the pilot project were presented, regarding the experience of teaching legal education in pre-universitary learning institutions and the students’options concerning legal education: how students perceive this subject, what they want to learn, who should teach these notions.

Romanian Center for European Policies and Liderjust presented also the public policy options resulted from recent consultations on the introduction of legal education in schools, and launched the debate on the existent short-term options for continuing the programme.

The event brought together professionals from the fields of Education and Justice, public policy experts from the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Justice, Law experts and practitioners, magistrates, representatives of non-governmental organizations and academia.

More than 1300 students from Bucharest, Constanța, Argeș and Prahova districts participated in the demonstrative lessons taught by prosecutors, judges, lawyers, notaries, mediators in the pilot project „Education for Justice and Democracy – a citizenship training program in schools”. The pilot project aimed to test the best formulas for teaching legal education in schools as a tool for early prevention of corruption, to promote respect for law and democracy and knowledge of rights and civil liberties.


September 4 to 5, 2015, Bucharest – Education for Justice and Democracy – workshop for law practitioners

Law practitioners are bringing justice in communities – workshop and training sessions for law practitioners as part of the project “Education for Justice and Democracy – a citizen training program in schools”. CRPE and Liderjust organized the first training session focusing on teaching methods for law practitioners (judges, prosecutors, lawyer, mediators) with the purpose of enabling them to teach demonstrative lessons of legal education in pre-universitary learning institutions from Bucharest and South Muntenia Region.

Some useful tools for teaching and learning – a guide with methods for teaching and practical examples for magistrates, together with a guide for high school students –  will be available during the project.

A new training session for 25 law practitioners will be organized at the end of October.  The call for registration will be available online on and on Liderjust Facebook page.


June 8, 2015, Bucharest – Education for Justice and Democracy – extensive consultations

CRPE and, together with Education professionals and law practitioners, participated in the consultation related to the education of the future active and involved Romanian citizens.

“Education for Justice and Democracy – a citizen training program in schools” is a pilot project whereby magistrates and lawyers will establish “a citizen training program in schools”. The aim of the meeting – during which two working groups were formed – was to identify the challenges, limitations and options regarding the introduction of legal education in schools, to outline pilot methods of intervention in order to achieve results which could contribute to public policy decisions in the field of both Justice and Education.

The format of the meeting facilitated plenary discussion, but also debates within working groups in order to evaluate efficiently and specifically the relevant aspects for the education and judicial systems.


Project funded by SEE 2009-2014 grants, within NGO Fond in Romania.

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